The experience of many countries shows that the actions of support for entrepreneurship requires a cultural change as well as an increase in the competencies and skills of the future entrepreneurs and managers or directives. The fundamental innovations "ENTREPRENEURS 7x21" focus on two aspects: the methodology used to achieve the development of entrepreneurial skills, as well as the content being made available to them to identify the teachings reviews and stimulate learning.In terms of methodology, it is about creating an available tool on CD and Web, as well as a mobile-application that allows the entrepreneur, anywhere, access to specific training activities for training. And learning is achieved through a practical route. It is the entrepreneur who acquires, through this tool, a training focused on the development of the 7 most important skills an entrepreneur. To achieve this, they will join some training activities with examples of real entrepreneurs who thanks to the enhancement of these skills have been successful.
In terms of content, it is an experience of training focused on experiences and "soft skills". The traditional theory held that the important thing was to show the entrepreneur's business management tools necessary to achieve the viability of your business. The contents were theoretical and focused on management theory and Planning, Organization, Management and Control of resources and the production process. In traditional training the value of "resource management and control them," he stressed, but in many cases devoted little time to highlight the importance of so-called soft skills that must be entrepreneurial, such as self-confidence Leadership, Communication, Reflection and Control, Achievement Orientation, Assumption of Risk, or Commercial Guide.